
How To Get Into A Loop Group

In mathematics, a loop grouping is a group of loops in a topological group One thousand with multiplication divers pointwise.

Definition [edit]

In its most full general form a loop grouping is a grouping of continuous mappings from a manifold One thousand to a topological group K .

More specifically,[ane] allow M = Due south 1 , the circle in the complex plane, and let LG denote the space of continuous maps S 1G , i.e.

Fifty G = { γ : S 1 1000 | γ C ( S 1 , One thousand ) } , {\displaystyle LG=\{\gamma :S^{1}\to G|\gamma \in C(S^{ane},G)\},}

equipped with the meaty-open topology. An element of LG is chosen a loop in One thousand . Pointwise multiplication of such loops gives LG the structure of a topological group. Parametrize S 1 with θ,

γ : θ Due south 1 γ ( θ ) Chiliad , {\displaystyle \gamma :\theta \in S^{1}\mapsto \gamma (\theta )\in Thousand,}

and ascertain multiplication in LG by

( γ 1 γ 2 ) ( θ ) γ 1 ( θ ) γ 2 ( θ ) . {\displaystyle (\gamma _{1}\gamma _{2})(\theta )\equiv \gamma _{1}(\theta )\gamma _{ii}(\theta ).}

Associativity follows from associativity in Grand . The inverse is given by

γ 1 : γ ane ( θ ) γ ( θ ) ane , {\displaystyle \gamma ^{-one}:\gamma ^{-1}(\theta )\equiv \gamma (\theta )^{-1},}

and the identity past

e : θ e One thousand . {\displaystyle e:\theta \mapsto e\in One thousand.}

The space LG is called the costless loop group on G . A loop grouping is any subgroup of the free loop group LG .

Examples [edit]

An important example of a loop grouping is the group

Ω Thou {\displaystyle \Omega G\,}

of based loops on M . It is defined to be the kernel of the evaluation map

east 1 : Fifty G K , γ γ ( ane ) {\displaystyle e_{one}:LG\to Thousand,\gamma \mapsto \gamma (i)} ,

and hence is a closed normal subgroup of LG . (Here, east ane is the map that sends a loop to its value at one S 1 {\displaystyle 1\in S^{1}} .) Note that we may embed K into LG every bit the subgroup of abiding loops. Consequently, we arrive at a split exact sequence

1 Ω Chiliad Fifty G G 1 {\displaystyle 1\to \Omega G\to LG\to 1000\to 1} .

The space LG splits as a semi-direct production,

L G = Ω G One thousand {\displaystyle LG=\Omega Thou\rtimes G} .

We may too think of ΩOne thousand as the loop space on One thousand . From this signal of view, ΩG is an H-infinite with respect to concatenation of loops. On the face of it, this seems to provide ΩK with two very different product maps. However, it can be shown that concatenation and pointwise multiplication are homotopic. Thus, in terms of the homotopy theory of ΩG , these maps are interchangeable.

Loop groups were used to explain the phenomenon of Bäcklund transforms in soliton equations past Chuu-Lian Terng and Karen Uhlenbeck.[2]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Bäuerle & de Kerf 1997
  2. ^ Geometry of Solitons past Chuu-Lian Terng and Karen Uhlenbeck

References [edit]

  • Bäuerle, G.G.A; de Kerf, E.A. (1997). A. van Groesen; E.M. de Jager; A.P.E. Ten Kroode (eds.). Finite and space dimensional Lie algebras and their awarding in physics . Studies in mathematical physics. Vol. 7. N-Holland. ISBN978-0-444-82836-one – via ScienceDirect.
  • Pressley, Andrew; Segal, Graeme (1986), Loop groups, Oxford Mathematical Monographs. Oxford Science Publications, New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN978-0-xix-853535-five, MR 0900587

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How To Get Into A Loop Group,


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